Construction & Implementation

Construction and Implementation.

Testing and commissioning.

Operational handover and training.

  • Reedbed Construction and Implementation

    Reedbed Construction & Implementation

    If you want to know more about our construction and implementation services, read on to learn about construction oversight and quality assurance, pre-construction preparation, excavation and reedbed construction, substrate placement and layering, planting and vegetation establishment, reedbed infrastructure and access set-up, testing and commissioning and operational handover and training.

  • Construction oversight & quality assurance

    • Conducting the construction process to ensure design specifications and quality standards adherence.

    • Conducting inspections and regular reporting during the implementation and build phase.

    • Ensuring health and safety standards are adhered to.

  • Reedbed Pre-construction preparation

    Reedbed Pre-construction preparation

    • Site preparation: clearing the area and ensuring proper grading to accommodate the reedbed or wetland design.

    • Materials procurement: acquiring necessary materials such as liners, gravel, sand, organic substrates, and plants as per the design specifications.

  • Pre-construction preparation

    Pre-construction preparation

    • Site preparation: clearing the area and ensuring proper grading to accommodate the reedbed or wetland design

    • Materials procurement: acquiring necessary materials such as liners, gravel, sand, organic substrates, and plants as per the design specifications

  • Excavation and reedbed construction

    Excavation & reedbed construction

    • Excavation: digging and shaping the reedbed pond or wetland basin according to the design dimensions and layout.

    • Liner installation: if required, laying impermeable liners to prevent seepage of treated water into the surrounding soil.

    • Inlet and outlet construction: building in left structures for wastewater entry and outlet structures for treated water discharge.

  • Substrate placement and layering

    Substrate placement & layering

    • Substrate placement: Adding layers of gravel, sand, and organic substrates within the ponds creates a suitable environment for plant growth and filtration.

    • Layering technique: properly layering substrates to facilitate water flow and support the growth of wetland vegetation.

  • Planting and vegetation establishment

    Planting & vegetation establishment

    • Plant selection: introducing and planting appropriate wetland vegetation such as reeds or other native plants into the substrate.

    • Planting techniques: ensuring proper spacing, planting depths, and arrangement for optimal growth and pollutant uptake.

    • Establishment care: implementing measures to establish and maintain suitable plant health and growth water levels.

  • Reedbed infrastructure and access set-up

    Reedbed infrastructure & access set-up

    • Pathways and access points: creating pathways and access points for maintenance and monitoring activities.

    • Signage and safety measures: installing signage and safety features to ensure safe access and operation within the site.

  • Testing and commissioning

    Testing & commissioning

    • Hydraulic testing: conducting tests to ensure proper water flow, distribution and retention time within the repaired cells or wetland basins.

    • Initial water quality tests: Initial water quality assessments to establish baseline data before regular operation.

  • Reedbed operational handover and training

    Reedbed operational handover & training

    • Client handover: After ensuring construction completion and compliance, the operational site is handed over to the client or relevant operators.

    • Training: training personnel responsible for system maintenance, monitoring, and operation.


Reedbed Consultation & Design Phase


Reedbed Operational Support & Optimisation